Booze News – Bols Natural Yoghurt liqueur

A new release in the world of booze and alcohol today.


Image (C) Bols
Image (C) Bols

New Product – Bols Natural Yoghurt Liqueur


An interesting new liqueur is being added to the international line-up by the Dutch liquor company Bols.

Bols Natural Yoghurt liqueur is getting ready for launch in the UK and some selected markets soon and looks like it could be an interesting variation on the standard cream liqueur options that are currently available, such as Baileys or Amarula.

Bols say that the yoghurt is made from milk from Dutch cows and ‘made of only natural ingredients’ – it looks to have a pretty long shelf life though so I’ll be interested at having a closer look at the bottle to try and see how they’ve achieved this.


I haven’t really used much from the Bols range lately, but the yoghurt liqueur catches my interest as it’s a step in a new direction and could provide some new flavours and textures to use in cocktails.


I’ll try and get a product to review sometime in the near future and let you know if it’s actually worth the hype.


/ David


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