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  • Introducing make cocktails at

    Introducing make cocktails at

    Hej Hej (as the Swedes say) and welcome to my new blog!


    I’m David and I’ve been working as a cocktail bartending instructor and bartender in New Zealand, Canada, and for the bulk of my career, London. I’m passionate about cocktails and most importantly, how they taste, and try to pass this on while I’m training bartenders. I want them to really think while they are constructing drinks;  why are we using certain methods and techniques in the drinks creation? How will the ingredients we use will effect the overall taste of the drink?

    Afterall, if all it took to be a chef was the ability to follow a recipe, then almost anyone could be one – instead we know that a chef is trained to properly understand the ingredients and methods they are using when making a meal. Making drinks is the same, a base knowledge will go a long way in helping you create cocktails that are balanced and taste good.

    So, the blog!

    During the past few years I’ve meet many non bar-industry people who’d like to learn how to make cocktails like the ones they drink in their favourite bars, but most books and sites tend to just list recipes and as I’ve just explained, these don’t really show the how or why. I’ve wanted to make an easy guide to making cocktails at home, kind of like a simplified version of what I teach bartenders but living in London I never seemed to find the time – recently however I’ve moved to Sweden and found I have a lot more time on my hands, so I’ve decided it’s the perfect time to finally get the blog going.

    You can expect  an ongoing series of home cocktail training including guides to fundamental methods and techniques ,  and lessons on a range on more in depth subjects. Each lesson will cover a specific topic that is useful for cocktail making, with background info and a guided exercise that involves you making some example drinks . Some I have planned include Shaking vs stirring – proper dilution in drinksHow to achieve proper balance in cocktails, A guide to taste, and more I’ll tell you about later.


    Lastly,  you’ll find a mix of bar reviews, spirit and liqueur reviews and pretty much anything else industry related that interests me.


    Make sure to check back often as I’m adding new content all the time, and if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to get in touch.



    Happy mixing.


    / David Turnbull, Sweden